299 Main Street Moosup CT 06354
We are much more than just books!
Have you checked out Plainfield’s Summer Brochure? View it here: https://plainfieldct.myrec.com/forms/5969_2021_summer_brochure.pdf
Keep up to date with all the newest additions and events happening here at the library on our fresh new Facebook page! http://facebook.com/aldrichfreepubliclibrary
Check back here often for upcoming events!
We are open Monday and Friday from 10am- 6pm and Wednesday from 10am-6pm. Tuesday noon-6 P.M. and Saturday 10 A.M.-1 P.M. We ask all non-vaccinated individuals please wear your mask while in the library. We are practicing cleaning, disinfecting and sterilizing above and beyond the government’s policies and procedures for staying open during these times. We pride ourselves on keeping the community and ourselves safe and healthy!